Nirvana's Baby

When someone shows appreciation for my newly minted blog, I have to give them props. First of all, for taking time to even give my humble writings more than a second glance, and secondly because they took the time to respond and let me know they appreciate it. So on that very note, today’s post is in honor of my totally awesome brother.

He wrote an e-mail that made my day. He said my blog was cool and went on to make some music suggestions he would like to see. Now, it’s interesting because I feel like my brother and I were born with the same music gene. Since I can remember, we have been sharing music and recommending artists to one another with a fairly large success rate. Granted, we have some differences here or there (we aren’t exactly twins), and given our personality differences it's amazing we even see eye-to-eye on our music choices. After all, he’s more left-brained (AKA an engineer) and I’m more right-brained (AKA I majored in theatre and now I’m trying to find my niche, but I love working with my primary grade elementary students kind of thing). Those fundamental differences aside, we really jive on music, and he is just an all-around cool guy anyway, so I’m grateful for the chance to honor him in my blog. Love ya, bro.

This first band is one of my favorites when it comes to a modern rock sound. Granted, they are mainstream-- in fact they just won some Grammy’s. This doesn’t change the fact that they absolutely rock and they have stayed true to themselves and their art form. Actually, I love Dave Grohl’s acceptance speech because I think it says it all:

To me this award means a lot because it shows that the human element of music is what's important. Singing into a microphone and learning to play an instrument and learning to do your craft, that's the most important thing for people to do... It's not about being perfect, it's not about sounding absolutely correct, it's not about what goes on in a computer. It's about what goes on in here [your heart] and what goes on in here [your head].

So this tribute is in honor of Dave’s words, the awesome band that they are, and my bro for introducing me to this rock sound when I was but a wee little girl. Now, I’ve got to say, this band has spanned over a decade so it is difficult to choose only a few of their songs. These guys will most likely double dip on my blog. But hey, when you rock, double dipping is totally permitted. 

Here’s Foo Fighters circa 1995. With lyrics like: Breathe out/ so I can breathe you in/ hold you in…How could I resist?
 Foo Fighters: “Everlong”

This next video is lots of fun, so don’t just press play and walk away. The band is embracing theatricality as they dress up like various characters on an airplane. Also, look closely and you will notice another band that I will pay “tribute” to in a later post, Tenacious D. Gotta love Jack Black in all his goofy glory.

 Foo Fighters: “Learn To Fly”

I realize these songs have all gotten radio play, and in a different post I would like to introduce you to some lesser known Foo Fighter songs, but this next song is one of my favorites. Once I listen to it, I am in a trance and I press the repeat button multiple times. I hope it catches you like it does me. Almost like a spiderweb of rock 'n roll. Weave your web Foo dudes, weave your rock web.
Foo Fighters: "The Pretender"


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