The Dish on Dish

Local, undiscovered raw talent. I’m all about it. I try and support local bands when I can because there’s just something about discovering the currently undiscovered. It’s like finding the buried treasure before the big bad music CEO man does. 

One such band that should be discovered by now (proof the music recording scene is unfair when Bieber is famous and these guys are not) is a local favorite named Dish. I went to Stetson University with these guys (both are very nice), and when I heard them, I was blown away. So, it is my pleasure to introduce you to a band that speaks for itself with its creativity, grit, and raw, unadulterated talent. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do because I need someone to go with me to see them live this Friday at Café daVinci in DeLand @ 9 p.m. (They are playing with Paleface who also have a great sound—check them out, too!)

 Dish: "Cold Is"

Dish: "Pictora"


  1. I like this band it sounds pretty good. I hope you find someone to go with. Good Job

  2. Thanks, babe. Wish you were here so you could go with me. Jason said he would go, but we shall see. :)


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