Virtual Insanity On Fire

I remember when I was younger being absolutely mesmerized by this video. Now, remember this is before computer graphics were everywhere. So, I had no idea how this was done and it blew. my. mind! Now I know the floor was just moving. Ha! Well, the song is pretty nifty. 

Jamiroquai: "Virtual Insanity"

On a side note, my throat is on fire. Which reminds me of this Bruce Springsteen classic. (This is a testament that any phrase can be linked to a song.) Here's to hoping it's just allergies...

Bruce Springsteen: "I'm On Fire"


  1. My throat is also on you think we transmitted it through the phone waves on Saturday?? ;)

    1. Oh wow! That is crazy! Maybe we are allergic to the same thing? I hope... :)

  2. hahah too funny lol hahaha hope yall both get better.


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