Good Morning

Today's artist has been my alarm clock for awhile now. You see, on my Bose radio you can set one of your CDs to a specific song to wake you up. This is much infinitely better than the blood-curtling blasts of the traditional alarm. With this function, the music rises slowly so as to gently wake the individual. Now, if you're anything like me (re: NOT a morning person) then this is one way of waking that could be said to have been sent from the Heavens (another being coffee).

So, in case you haven't heard of him, here is Pete Yorn. His voice has distant echos of Bob Dylan (to me, at least). I decided to put one of his mellower songs first, and then a more "typical" Pete song next. He's more of a rocker type, but this first song is just gorgeous. 

Pete Yorn: "On Your Side"

Pete Yorn: "Last Summer"


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