2018: The Year of My Human Design

I've stumbled upon something profound, something so life-changing that I know deep down it will be impacting my life forever and for the better. In fact, I'm already swirling around thoughts of becoming certified in it; it is called Human Design. It is utterly fascinating on such a deep level and makes so much sense to me, too. Such a rare combination! I truly believe this could be one of the keys utilized to help individuals know themselves better. A tool for enlightenment, if you will. And if I'm being super, duper hopeful, we are perhaps heading into another Age of Enlightenment (would that be lovely?)

So, all of this being said, I decided to make 2018 the Year of My Human Design. I would live out, on a daily basis, my Strategy and Authority. Now, as a Manifesting Generator, I am still a type of Generator. (You can get your free chart and some information by Googling "Human Design"). But I also have Manifestor tendencies. Anyway, I am supposed to use my Strategy of waiting to respond to things, and when I do respond, use my Authority of emotion-- so how I feel about something or my Sacral response of "Uh-huh" or "Un-nuh". So my decisions all year will be based on these gut feelings. Let's see in a year, how different my life is based on these gut decisions. I am predicting very different-- in the most spectacular of ways.

Donovan: "Mee Mee I Love You"


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