There Are No Words...

How do you put into words the unthinkable? The devistating? The ultimate nightmare? You don't.

As the nation grieves over what took place in Connecticut, I myself am sobered by the sadness of this indescribable tragedy. So when words are no longer of use, we must turn to prayer. Prayer for the children, the families, and everyone affected by this devastation. Prayer for hope, for love, for more understanding in a nation that is so desperately torn and shaken. We must strive to love and live a life that treats others the way we wish to be treated.

God bless everyone in this situation. My thoughts, prayers, and love are with you. May you be comforted by the peace of our Lord which passes all understanding.

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful." John 16:33

Jeff Buckley: "Hallelujah"


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