Hello, Punk Rock, We Meet Again

Thank God for music. Punk rock was there for me in my formative teenage years (along with mostly ska and alternative rock) and it's here for me now.

So those who know me personally are aware that things have been rather rough lately. My Mom passed away this week, and while I am hoping to write a tribute to her, I'm not quite ready. My mind is goo and the screen gets blurry. I'm sure you understand, dear reader.

To keep my mind distracted and to help you lovely people of the interwebs vent your frustrations (because who isn't going through something?). Here is some good ol' punk rock lamenting the state of our world. We are all hurting in so many ways and music can provide a hug through the ears. It is saving my life, no hyperbole there. 

...I love you, Mom.

Blink 182: "Quarantine"


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