I Pull My Shirt Off And Pray

I mean with lyrics like that, how can I not share this gem?!

Alas, I almost didn't.

You know when you discover something so delicious, so perfect, so fun, and also so naughty because it is undiscovered by the masses? Well, when I find that song/artist/album/art/etc. with je ne sais quoi, I tend to get stingy and not want to share. I mean, how fun is something when everyone and their grandpa and dogs and sisters and brothers love it, too?? Not much, is my answer. And yet, a lot of the things I absolutely adore (i.e. Star Trek (60s original), Depeche Mode, Duran Duran, The Beatles, etc.) are loved by the masses. Does that take away their special sheen (Charlie Sheen)? No. Why? Nothing can take away the feeling they give my soul. Oh yeah, I went there. Some arrows pierce deep, and perhaps they hit the mark and that's why everyone is so...in love with these popular bands and shows and works of art.

I digress.

Arcadia, the group featured today, was recently discovered during my VH1 Behind The Music binge (God, it's been...decades(?!) since I've watched that show, and yet...and yet, I am still as utterly enamored at 33 as I was at 12 or 13). They are a spin-off band of Duran Duran. They pretty much sound like DD, except add in Sting, Herbie Hancock, and other wild, random guests. Interesting, no? My little 80s music heart geeked out hardcore when I found this out and instantly paused my YouTube video to find this band and their only(!) album, So Red The Rose, they ever recorded. Well, I'm two days in and I can't stop listening to the damn thing. What's crazy is that in the beginning I thought it to be simply good...but now, the more I listen, it elevates itself to a higher status of greatness. Just listening to the catchiness of the opening track. Give it 2-3 good listens (maybe with some headphones or quality speakers) and tell me this song isn't brilliant, multifaceted, complex, layered, theatrical, moody, dark, haunting, bright, fun, and utterly addictive!

...Also, surprisingly, Simon Le Bon is hilarious in this video (and in the Behind The Music interviews). I get the feeling this all very tongue-in-cheek for him (really watch at the end; those micro-expressions!)...And he does a little Gene Kelly around the 7 minute mark so...

You're welcome.

Arcadia: "Election Day"


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