Mariah Carey

This first one is a pop guilty pleasure of mine. I think Mariah's career can be divided into "New Mariah" and "Older Mariah" as in the newer, sexually-oozed lyrics and and the older, more innocent songs. This is a new Mariah.

Mariah Carey: "Obsessed"

Let us not forget there was a time when Mariah was a little more girl-next-door and less sexpot. That's (in my humble opinion) when her talent really seemed to shine (remember those crazy high notes she hit in her songs?!) Also didn't hurt that she was rockin' the curls, and as a curly girl myself, I appreciate that.

Mariah Carey: "Vision Of Love"

And her version of this next song is my favorite.

Mariah Carey: "All I Want For Christmas Is You"


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