Happiness Is Being With The Spinners

 I swear this song contains some kind of musical crack (not that I've ever done crack, but I've heard it's super addictive😋). I haven't stopped listening to it for the past few weeks! Why is it so catchy, fun, and addictive?! Send help! Nah, actually I love being stuck with The Spinners.😄

A cool fact about the catchy tune? According to Wikipedia: "The song, written by producer Thom Bell and singer-songwriter Linda Creed, was about Bell's son, who was being teased by his classmates for being overweight. Intended to improve his son's self-image, the song eventually evolved from being about 'The Fat Man' to 'The Rubberband Man'." Now as someone who detests bullying, this is something I can get behind! This song just keeps getting better...

The Spinners: "Rubberband Man"



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