The Sweetest Homecoming

Those are the words that came to mind when I thought about how it feels to be back in the body of Christ.

After being away from God for nearly 15 years, coming home feels nearly indescribably in its joy, peace, comfort, and love. I want to scream it from the mountaintops, and I used to never consider myself evangelical in any form or fashion, but I get it now. I truly, truly get it now. 

God was the only one who never forgot me, who kept calling me after I denied His love for so long. I wanted what the world had to offer only to find the world didn't care about me. The world left me battered and bruised. God didn't care how long I left His loving arms. As soon as I decided to come home, He accepted me and held me as His precious daughter. 

I get so mad at myself for setting aside my armor and crown for a world that didn't see my worth. But I am learning to forgive myself. I tend to wander and rebel, but I am finding that commitment and follow-through can produce so much more peace. God is renewing my heart and spirit. He is showing this little rebellious heart how to steadily love Him and follow His ways so that I am lost no more. 

He saved the day...So in this vein, I am sharing a song I can't stop listening to lately that contain those lyrics and sentiments exactly. I also would like to share another song from the same album about idolatry. Man oh man, am I guilty of that...I wanted to hold everyone and everything above God. It only left me empty and alone. No one and nothing can satisfy like He can. And if you're someone who is skeptical or thinking of returning to their faith, I highly recommend reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. I feel like that is the only apologetics book we need. I am obsessed with Lewis' writing style and I recommend him everywhere I go. 

So, dear friends, if you don't get anything out of this other than some good tunes, please know God loves you, and you are His child and He wants you to be in His light. The devil has stolen this world and I am angry and ready to take it back for The Kingdom! I'm tired of the devil's punk ways of making people feel unloved and unworthy or unseen...all the lies. So from now on, I'm doing whatever I can to show people a better way, The Way. 

I love you.

Kirk Franklin: "Love Theory"

Kirk Franklin: "Idols"


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