Supertones Strike Back

Somedays you just have the blues...And with everything going on in the world today, there is every reason to feel blue. I'm sitting on over 6 months of unemployment wondering when money will finally come in again. It's scary being single, unemployed, with no health insurance or prospects of any kind, but with my renewed faith, I am trusting God has a bigger plan than I could ever imagine. 

So to fight the blues, I pulled out an album I haven't listened to since I was kid...and a kid on fire for Jesus, no less. This is the kind of Christian music I love— authentic, and totally not cheesy (thank God!).

If you love ska, this is for you. Hopefully it will perk you up too. Love to my readers. You are a quiet bunch, but I know you're out there somewhere...😉

"We want this whole band to be a big love letter..."

Supertones: "Supertones Strike Back"


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