Now That's What I Call Rock 'n Roll

Dave Grohl, we salute you. This, my friends, is what rock 'n roll is all about. Speaking from your heart about things you are passionate about. Helping your fellow man. Standing strong together. Thank you, Dave, for using your voice to speak up for our precious educators. I was once among them and can attest it is an immensely challenging profession in a myriad of ways. Let's protect our people instead of worry about lining our pockets or following some agenda, shall we? We can find a better way.

"I wouldn’t trust the U.S. secretary of percussion to tell me how to play “Smells Like Teen Spirit” if they had never sat behind a drum set, so why should any teacher trust Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to tell them how to teach, without her ever having sat at the head of a class? (Maybe she should switch to the drums.) Until you have spent countless days in a classroom devoting your time and energy to becoming that lifelong mentor to generations of otherwise disengaged students, you must listen to those who have. Teachers want to teach, not die, and we should support and protect them like the national treasures that they are. For without them, where would we be?

May we show these tireless altruists a little altruism in return. I would for my favorite teacher. Wouldn’t you?"

Read the article in its entirety here:


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