Go Ask Alice

I realize the bulk of my readership have left for greener (*cough*consistently daily updates *cough*) and it's not their fault-- 'tis mine. I have been slacking. Slacking on updating daily, and having well, no "meat" to my posts. I realize the meat is the music, so I should say I am lacking the potatoes. The blurb that ties it all together, if you will. I could say that it is due to a time crunch, but I'd be lying. I have just found myself lacking in anything interesting to fill the blogosphere. And for me, I'd rather be silent for a time then fill the void with something just so I could get a word in edgewise. 

Jefferson Airplane: "White Rabbit"

I love this song. Transports me to the '60s...where part of my soul lives.


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