Have We Failed You, America?

I'm noticing a disturbing trend...and no, it's not parachute pants making a comeback. It is a staggering lack of grammatical competency. Why does it seem like major websites and very visible public postings lack basic grammatical skills? You know, things like knowing the difference between plural and possessive, their/there/and they're, etc. I am baffled. I feel like as a former Language Arts teacher, I have failed you. Or have I? Is it our fault, English teachers? Is it a lack of reading? Is it a parenting deficit? Are text messaging and technology to blame? Now I know it isn't everyone who falls into this category, and I know even the best of us make mistakes; however, it seems like the problem is running rampant and it scares me. Or is it scare's me? Please tell me you know better. *Gulps*

OneRepublic: "Feel Again"


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